Paranthropus Boisei Skull

I tried to explore the skull using a variety of techniques. I had never before attempted to properly paint using a palette knife, and I quite enjoyed the lack of control and Impressionist outcome of it.

I found using my left hand and foot also very interesting in the same way as the palette knife; there is a lot less control, and this provides a sometimes surprising result which is quite characteristic. I often find myself bogged down in the details of painting realistically and these experiments were quite freeing.

Summer Project

As a Summer project for year two of Fine Art, we were to pick four objects or artifacts from a museum or gallery and record 25 drawings of each object.

I chose four artifacts from the National Museum Cardiff; a velociraptor skull, bugs, a skull of an early human, and ammonites.

I decided to record the objects using various techniques I had learned from the first year, as well as using other experimental techniques.