I started the Constellation year by ‘Puzzling Out Contemporary Art’ with Jon Clarkson. It wasn’t my first choice of module, but I was interested to understand and explore contemporary art as my knowledge on the subject was very limited and I had always thought of contemporary art as ‘little skill for lots of money’. The module encouraged us to research artists, and discuss our ideas on the meanings behind their contemporary art works. Whilst I am still sceptical of some contemporary art, the module has helped me to look at art works in a different way and try to relate components of the artwork together in order to decipher the piece as a lot of contemporary work is purposely quite vague or misleading in order to force you to draw your own conclusions. I quite like this mystery aspect to art work, as it makes any piece more personal to you because everybody’s ideas and responses will be individual.
During Term 2’s collage Field module ‘Gorilla in the Roses’ with David Ferry, I was able to explore the ‘mystery’ aspect to my art work. The task was to create collage images from a variety of supplied sources. There was no ‘subject’ for the collage pieces, and I was able to mix and match completely unrelated images into a singular piece of work. There were absolutely no intended or pre-planned ‘messages’ or ‘meanings’ behind any of my pieces, and yet I think they were some of the strongest collages I have ever produced. I felt I responded very well to this module, and thoroughly enjoyed using collage. I had fun in this module, and it is reflected in my work. I think I need to remember sometimes that I am studying art because it is what I love, and it helps to have fun now and again within your art work.
During the same project, we were also paired up with another student in order to use the iPads to create collages. I have learned how to work with other people much more effectively since Constellation last year. I was not very impressed with forced group work, as I would always prefer to work alone, but it opened my eyes to the fact that group work or collaboration with a different student can inspire new ideas and creative discussions. I was paired with a student that I had never met before whilst using the iPads, and I enjoyed discussing ideas for our collaborative images. I also feel I have been made slightly more favourable towards technology in the art world; I have never been very impressed with digital art on the whole, but using the iPads to create very quick and effective collages was both fun and a fitting medium for the topic, and I would definitely consider loaning one from the university to use again in a future project.
I have also been working collaboratively over the year outside of university with fellow Fine Art student Buffy Dunhill. Since group collaboration in the first year, I have been more enthusiastic to work with others and bounce ideas off one another. Buffy and I also have ongoing work in progress, and a variety of ideas for a combined collage piece relating to the ‘Gorilla in the Roses’ module.
I don’t feel I have been very involved in workshops this year, as I have mainly been involved in modules that revolve around collage and drawing. I also found it tricky to sign up to workshops before all the spaces were taken, but I won’t let this affect my future work and won’t be afraid to explore new mediums next year if my art work calls for it. I found that, although partaking in more workshops at level 4, I tended to modify my art work based on what medium was easily available at the time so I could just ‘get on with it’. However, I will not allow this to happen next year and shall find the best medium for my art, not the easiest.
I was very nervous about beginning to even think about the dissertation aspect of the course. This fear has been expelled since attending the dissertation lectures, and especially since tutorials and lectures with my assigned tutor for the dissertation; Cath Davies. My chosen topic for the dissertation is the horrors of animal abuse and how advertising campaigns and art can highlight this in a more powerful and effective manner. I don’t think I could have been assigned a more relevant tutor, as Cath specializes in the grotesque, which is very apt given my dissertation topic. I am excited about my dissertation topic, as animal welfare is a very personal topic to me and it has helped reawaken my passion for animal rights. I have already started thinking about my third year art works and final exhibition, and how I would like the dissertation to inform my own practise as I find it so much easier to work enthusiastically if you are passionate about what you are doing.